Distinguished Flying Cross – The Complete Database

The Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) is the third-level military decoration awarded to officers, and since 1993 to other ranks, of the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force and other services, and formerly to officers of other Commonwealth countries, for “an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy”

Continuing the building of the Awards Database, which started with our DSO Citations, we are pleased to present the first ever searchable and complete database of DFC awards from the Second World War

It is available in a Database Query tool at  https://www.rafcommands.com/database/awards/index.php?qaward=DFC 

There are 20,888 DFC Awards in the Database, these include 1656 First Bars  and 37 Second Bars

All the entries have  Citations where available  and Links to the original gazette issues. easily searchable via the query.. This DB was something we always wanted to do – for years since LG had their issues available. Thanks to the some of the previous work and coding effort, and scraping of London Gazette website, and additional verification from various ref books, the DFC DB is now complete.   

At last count, 6180 DFC awards have citations and 14707 DFC awards are “Notification Only”. Eitherway all are linked to the original Gazettes. Note that since this depends on how the LG was OCR-ed in the first place the spelling errors and character errors from the GAzette have been replicated in the database. At best use the DB to locate the original gazette links.

Since the Award DB is linked to all our other DBs – CWGC, aircraft, LGindex – you will find entries now a bit more enriched. eg.. Leonard Cheshire – https://www.rafcommands.com/database/…qname=CHESHIRE or Guy GIBSON https://www.rafcommands.com/database/…8&qname=GIBSON

7 thoughts on “Distinguished Flying Cross – The Complete Database

  1. Great work indeed, but I do have another for you. Flt/Lt. Frederick Easton 143728 of 10 and 630 Sqns, DFC and bar. His daughter has the medal and records. Kind regards.

  2. Great work indeed, but I do have another for you. Flt/Lt. Frederick Easton 143728 of 10 and 640 Sqns, DFC and bar. His daughter has the medal and records. Kind regards.
    (reposted to correct squadron number)

  3. How simply do I find out what Dad got his DFC for?
    It was WW2 and he was Squadron Leader for 296 squadron. Although a New Zealander he was flying for the RAF . He was for a time the CO of 296 .

  4. Where is there a list of recipients of the DFC after WW2 in all the post war conflicts the RAF covered, eg: Borneo, Aden, Korea etc

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